Large pond
If you have a large pond or a small lake, you will probably not be able to buy all your plants from us. We do not grow many really large pond plants, since we are a small nursery, and demand for these is limited. Here are some plants that we do which may be suitable. (Please see each plant's page on our website for suggested planting densities, based on your pond's size).
- Any waterlily from the Large Waterlilies section on our website
- Nymphoides peltata (a native option and very easy and attractive. Not a large plant, but fast-growing so will cover ground quickly)
- Stratiotes aloides (unusual-looking native plant)
Any oxygenating plant will be suitable for a large pond, but you may need high numbers of them to make a impact.
Marginal Plants
- Butomus umbellatus (pink flowers in summer, gives a lot of height, also native). Also comes in a pinker or white form.
- Cyperus giganteus, hardy variety - (a new plant which is completely unique to us. Gives a striking appearance and a lot of height).
- Equisetum hyemale (largely evergreen, a suitable option for shade, gives a lot of height, and is also native)
- Iris pseudacorus, Iris pseudacorus 'Flore Pleno', Iris pseudacorus 'Alba' or Iris pseudacorus 'Variegata' (yellow flowers in early summer)
- Lythrum salicaria, wild form or pale pink form, (pink/purple flowers in summer, gives height, and is also native)
- Mentha aquatica (easy to grow, native, with purple blooms later in the year than most plants and very attractive to bees. Not particularly large but will spread to cover ground reasonably quickly)
- Pontederia dilatata (gives an exotic look and late blue flowers that bees love)
- Zantedeschia 'White Giant' (for a very striking and exotic look)